25,000 Sprained Ankles A Day

“It now appears that both ice and complete rest may delay healing, instead of helping.”  1 Gabe Mirkin, MD, Creator of R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) Ice is not effective for healing an ankle sprain. READ MORE >>>

Cardiovascular Health and Massage Therapy

“Many already view massage as an important approach to relieving muscle pain or as a means to relax. However, working with a qualified massage therapist can also play a significant role in improving cardiovascular health as evidenced by a growing body of...

The Art of Massage

The Art of Massage – Interest in therapeutic massage has sparked a growing list of “bodywork” movements, each claiming to be the ultimate in touch therapy. While no one theory, style, or school of thought is the ultimate answer, massage therapy is widely...