The Art of Massage –
Interest in therapeutic massage has sparked a growing list of “bodywork” movements, each claiming to be the ultimate in touch therapy. While no one theory, style, or school of thought is the ultimate answer, massage therapy is widely recognized as a clinically effective treatment option to address soft tissue injuries. One fact remains: There are only so many ways to affect and move soft tissue. The healing art of massage is just that—an art form—learned over many years and practiced on many types of muscular-skeletal disorders. At MedMassage, our therapists are well-versed in the art of the practice, with a solid foundation built on scientific principles.
Why Use Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy complements allopathic care, or what we know as traditional western medicine, and is widely recognized as a clinically effective treatment option, offering a wide range of physical, emotional and mental benefits. Medical studies are validating massage therapy as viable treatment to help prevent acute and chronic illness, support healing and rehabilitation of an injury, or provide relief from other medical remedies used to combat diseases or pain experienced from diseases.
Over 80% of medical doctor office visits are stress related symptoms. Massage therapy reduces stress and improves the ability to monitor its symptoms. We encourage everyone to include massage therapy as part of your healthy life style…once a month/every other week/or maybe even every week. Massage treatments can be an extremely effective tool for taking care of yourself, improving your performance, overall health and quality of life.
– Bill Semenchuk, LMT